Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm still here!



Anonymous said...

Hi there, I randomly came across your website and read through quite a couple of entries. All I can say is I can definitely relate to a lot of your experiences through the years- applying to grad school, the anticipation, and moments of overload!

Nice, informative website :)

pimpom said...

Hiya, I also randomly came across your blog, and it is really interesting. I am a psychology student at uni in the UK, going into my 2nd year in September. Your graduate course sounds really interesting, although hard-work!, and is definitely something I would be considering doing after my degree.... the variety just sounds so interesting :] x

Anonymous said...

Hey Patti!
I've been looking for blogs by OT's and OTS's and came across yours - it is really interesting for me as I have just accepted a place on a Masters course in OT, starting in January. I'm doing it in the UK though so the course will probably be a bit different, but I guess the theory behind it all is pretty much the same.
Keep posting! And hope the work is all going well.
